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2024年10月30日    阅读量:

   报告题目: Nonlinear PDEs with modulated dispersion – regularization by noise


   报告摘要:We study dispersive equations with a time non-homogeneous modulation acting on the linear dispersion term. In this talk, we consider the Korteweg-de Vries equation (KdV) and related equations such as the Benjamin-Ono equation (BO) and the intermediate long wave equation (ILW). By imposing irregularity conditions on the modulation, we demonstrate phenomena known as regularization by noise. This talk is based on joint work with Khalil Chouk (formerly UoE), Massimiliano Gubinelli (Oxford), Tadahiro Oh (UoE), and Guopeng Li (BIT).



上一条:泰山学堂2024级数学取向第二批新生选拔笔试资格公示及通知 下一条:泰山学子讲堂第二十三、二十四期预告

